Tag Archives: Fitness swag

Rebrand or Reposition

rebrand or reposition your brand identity

rebrand or reposition your brand identity

Who we are

The reboot of the Fitness industry in 2021.There are few industries more impacted by Covid-19 than the fitness industry. With lockdowns, reductions in the ability to have people in the facility and the general couch potato malaise, American fitness has taken a beating.

FPP and is an American company that for 20 years has specialized in connecting the overseas source factory to corporate America for their B2b marketing needs

Product Sourcing

factory direct product sourcing guide

FPP sources promotional products and private label goods from over 12 countries and 50 factories!

America’s Promotional Product Super Source!

SAVE 40% on Swag!

Are you a business or event marketer looking to save 40% or more on your promotional product marketing giveaway? Read more!